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I'mRisal Maulana

Developer and Startup entrepreneur

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop.


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Lovely Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.










When I was Visited God Island In Indonesia

hallo guys.. this time i want to share my experience when i was visited bali. siapa sih yang gatau bali. semua pasti tahu Bali.
and you know what ? I visited there with my friend in college. perjalanan yang sangat melelahkan I think, because kami berangkat menggunakan bis dengan alasan bahwa sebelum kami bernagkat ke bali kami mengunjungi dulu sangiran dan daerah peninggalan majapahit.
setiba nya di bali uh it's so hot guys, sumpah biasanya di Bandung gak sepanas ini.
actually, I'm forget tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi, may be yang saya inget itu cuma kunjungan ke Teluk Benoa and Pandawa Beach oh saya ingat juga mengunjungi Tanah Lot, itu loh yang biasa dipake buat Weeding photo or prewedding..
ada beberapa dokumentasi yang mungkin saya abadikan di beberapa gambar dibawah ini.
pandawa beach

teluk benoa

tanah lot

pandawa beach

tanah lot

museum bali
sebenarnya ini hanya sekedar mengabadikan momen saja, ongkos untuk berkunjung ke bali sebenarnya tidaklah mahal jika kita mau bepergian tanpa instansi, karena kami berangkat sebagai tugas dari perkuliahan, maka kami membayar 1.8jt untuk ongkos, makan serta akomodasi lainnya.
di bali kami menghabiskan waktu selama 4 hari, sisanya ya kami lebih banyak dijalan sebenernya karena memang transportasi darat yang mengharuskan kami lebih kerja ekstra keras. 

HIV what it is ? and Why it can be attack

source: Rumah Cemara

what it is HIV ?
menjelang tanggal 1 desember yang sering kali di peringati sebagai hari AIDS diseluruh dunia, i'm so iinteresting to write about HIV, and you know why I want to be adapted for my Title.cause so many people don't know what it is, how to be attacked body or anything else,  and this article dedication for Ginan Koesmayadi founder Rumah Cemara, home for all people with HIV positive. #IndonesiaTanpaStigma.

actually, i want to be share this information for everyone. 
bukan berarti saya tahu semuanya tentang HIV, but I think with shared information may be can give you about "What this is, and why can be Attacked everyone. 

everybody today's subject is HIV HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus it is the virus that can lead to the development of the disease AIDS HIV attacks the body's immune system untreated, HIV reduces the number of new cells in the body G cells are what help your body to fight disease and HIV can destroy so many of them that the body becomes vulnerable infections and other kinds of illnesses can take advantage of a very weak. immune system and now to our. only way to know if a person has HIV is to get an HIV test. HIV can only be spread through bodily fluids it can be transmitted through sex, by sharing a drug, needle or being breastfed by someone who has HIV if a pregnant woman is living with HIV and doesn't get the proper treatment before giving birth her baby could be born with HIV, you cannot get HIV from sharing a glass, hugging, or sharing a bathroom with someone who has HIV.
When you have sex condoms can help provide protection and for people at high risk for HIV a doctor can now prescribe a medication called prep, that can be taken to lower their risk. remember once you begin to have sex it's important that both you and your partner get tested for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV on a regular basis.
so now you nkow what its HIV dan bagaimana penyeberannya, mungkin hanya ini yang saya bagi bersama kalian semua, seeu on my other post. so have a great day. 

Discussion About Woman and Violence

Discussion About Woman and Violence

Yesterday I Attend to discussion about women and violence. yang menjadi menarik adalah dalam diskusi terbuka ini dihadirkan dari dua lembaga yang fokus kepada permaslaahan perempuan.
Di hadiri oleh Prof. Elly dari UPI serta mendatangkan pula dari komunitas Samahita bandung yang berfokus pada kekerasan terhadap perempuan.
tema besar dalam kegiatan diskusi ini mengenai "Kekerasan Dalam Pacaran", may be i think it's so important for younger. dan penting lagi bagi kaum muda yang menjalin hubungan dengan lawan jenisnya, bahwa kekerasan ini sering kali terjadi tidak hanya dalam hubungan pernikahan atau sering kali dikenal dengan KDRT (Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga), namun terjadi pula dalam sebuah hubungan pacaran. Kekerasan sendiri dibagi ke dalam beberapa jenis, salah satunya yang sering kali terjadi namun tidak disadari adalah kekerasan secara verbal. Jika kekerasan berbentuk fisik tentunya sudah pasti di kenali, namun kekerasan secara verbal ini sering kali tidak disadari karena pada dasarnya bermula dari candaan hingga pada penyebutan kata kasar.
menurut speaker's from samahita, bahwa kekerasan dalam pacaran ini memunculkan yang namanya cycle of abuse, atau siklus kekerasan yang terjadi di kaum muda saat menjalin pacaran.
dalam cycle of abuse ini akan terus terjadi dalam hubungan pacaran jika menanam kepercayaan secara full kepada pasangan.
fase semacam ini tentunya sangat di khawatirkan, bukan berarti tidak boleh berpacaran, namun pada dasarnya hubungan yang baik adalah hubungan yang dijalin secara sehat, arti sehat di sini adalah, how to build the relationship without violence.
Diskusi ini menanamkan kepada pemahaman baru kepada saya bahwa apa segala sesuatu yang bisa menjadi kerugian kepada pasangan tentunya sangat baik jika di hindari, jika pada beberapa kasus yang ditemui bahwa untuk memutus siklus kekerasan dalam pacaran ini dengan cara memutuskan pasangan, sebenarnya bukan solusi. Solusi yang bisa dikatakan tepat yakni dengan menghargai segala sesuatu yang dihadirkan dalam sebuah pasangan. baik itu menghargai pendapat ataupun segala macam yang berkaitan dengan hubungan pacaran.
so may be, if you have a girlfriend or you have a relationship, you must be keep it, and keep each other.
i have some video about women and violence from UN Women Asia and the Pacific youtube channel. so watch this video and share if you care about that.

Every 1 out of 3 Indonesian women has experienced violence at least once in her lifetime, regardless of their level of education, social status or age. Victims are often driven into silence because they are blamed and their testimonies are put in doubt. To commemorate this year's 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence, Indonesian influencers delivering a strong message to end violence against women and girls. In the video, the influencers emphasize the importance for everyone to speak out, stand in solidarity with survivors and advocates and act in order to stop normalizing violence against women and girls. Violence against women is not just a women’s issue, but also everyone’s issue. It is now time to speak up and for our voice to be heard.

mungkin segitu dulu artikel singkat dari saya, nantikan artikel lainnya, semoga memberi anda pengetahuan lebih mengenai kekerasan terhadap perempuan dan kekerasan dalam pacaran.
don't do that, and save the women from violence.

What's On My Head

my Early Pict

hello..I am Risal, I was born in very small village somewhere in Indonesia and I grew up in a family that doesn't have much money or yeah people call it poor I still remember I passed my childhood with great struggle like gardening collecting wood, selling vegetables while the other kids had fun with one and another, I am totally proud of what i've been trought,  because I can understand early on how to deal with life, I am precocious but I also lost my childhood, but it doesn't really matter. I once thought that I was the most unlucky person, but I was wrong everyone is a winner. everything it's nonsense then you just need to think again, just imagine how can you read this article after defeating millions of brothers and sisters in your mother's womb, the truth is sometimes with God that all humans begin their lifes on the same line, you, me, them, all of us. I am a winner I keep it on my head ,so I can always remember everyone has equal  opportunity to be success so do i, I was bullied for a long time until I found a way to make myself calm, as B-L-O-G-G-E-R, Blogger and write something in blog. I've been suffering in scorn but blogging always heals my feelings no doubt. I found that this is something that I love the most and I will keep myself blogging unil I bored, but I will never get bored at all, I want to be a professional blogger, who inspires many people and you know, it's not about what I have and what I don't have, it's about how to get there how I get it, and I'm gonna do everything to get that. there's nothing impossible, all I need to do is work twice harder than what people do, there is a saying early bird catches the worm, it all depends on the choice, you want to be early bird or left behind you.
me and family

me and frieend
"I never Thinking about something, like I was Born in Poor Family, or anything, but I do what I want"
in this time, I found something, if you want see it, let's see. I love my family, and I will do everything for make them so proud of me.

Potret Ku dan Isola

Just Kidding about title, haha
jadi gua bingung sebenernya mau nulis apa jadi ya gini, upload foto aja pas gua lagi di depan Isola, buat kalian yang gatau isola, dateng aja ke bandung hehe ikon UPI nih.
nih gua share foto-foto gua pas depan isola.


Melbourne, Australia


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